Monday, June 29, 2009

I don't know what to name this blog either...

I'm not good at naming blogs, OK? Yesterday my dad took my brothers and I to see Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen. It was an awesome movie, only it was two hours long. Two days ago I got a Rubix Cube and this really cool hat. It's kind of hard to describe. Happy Day Before the Last Day of June!

Monday, June 22, 2009

3D Animation

I just recently got a 3D animation program. It was free, so you can't do all that much with it, but it's still cool! I can make alot of weird things! If anybody wants to try it out, it's from a company called Serif. You can also upgrade it for 10 dollars. As you would imagine, it's pretty cheap, but it's fine for me.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I don't know what to call this blog, just read it.

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, I just never got to it with the move and all, and we just got internet a few days ago. I've finally got my first job, every week, my grandfather calls me over to cut his grass, and with the money I got, I went and bought Star Wars the Force Unleashed for mt PSP. If there are any computer geeks like me out there reading this, If you can, give me a good scripting web site to check out, I still haven't found one that makes it simple enough for somebody who knows nothing about scripting.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Last Day of 6th Grade!

Today we had our last day of school!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!! Too bad I can't celebrate, I have to help pack. :P We can barely move through our kichen, it's so full of boxes!! Because of that we have to go out every night for dinner. Not much more is going on, so by!